Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's time to slow it down a little

My brain is full. I made a silly goof today, via email. Sent out the wrong document to SO many of my Sunday school parents and all of my teachers. Ugh. Nothing to do but to admit the mistake and send out the correct document, which I've done. At least the correct document had the right work done for Sunday.

At the moment there are too many details for me to be thinking about, and there has been company on top of all the lists and decisions in my head. There doesn't seem to be a spare moment to relax or get centered - and yet I know that if I could make the time to relax and get centered, things would come clear.

One of the girls asked me a few minutes ago for some homework help. After I'd answered her question, I went back to watching mindless television. When the next ad came on, I asked if she needed any more help, and she said no. I said "that's good because I think my brain was still trying to think."

And that, my friends, is how I know I'm too tired. LOL

1 comment:

dguzman said...

Oh man. I've sent out the wrong email to people before, AT WORK, thus landing me in a heap of trouble. It's definitely time to slow it down, breathe, and relax.