Saturday, February 27, 2010

voting no

This week, I voted "no". For the weather, that is. I don't mind snow, I rather like snow. But driving rain, messy puddles and 40 mile per hour wind gusts? No. Just say no. Especially when waiting for trains or buses, or walking home in the cold and dark.

I did manage to see some books on the T this week, in spite of being distracted and wet. One day, I saw at least four Boston Globes being read at the same time!

Shades of Earl Grey (a Tea Shop Mystery series book)
World War Z by Max Brooks
New York Times
Lots of people reading their cell phones - email?
A couple people working on their Macs
ever present iPods
three Kindles
and most interesting... Notes on a Case of Obsessive Neurosis

Did I ever mention that one day, stopped at a station there was a train stopped headed the opposite direction - and I saw a man sit down on that train and open his book - Webster's Dictionary!

Aside from the lousy commuting weather, it's been a great week. I've heard interesting lectures, been inspired in my work, and am feeling hopeful about future projects. Now, if only I could manage to finish up a couple current projects... :-)

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