Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Five

It's Friday, and the RevGalsBlogPals have a travel Friday Five:

1) What was the mode of transit for your last trip? Airplane to go to Texas for Christmas

2) Have you ever traveled by train? Does Commuter Rail count? If so, then yes!

3) Do you live in a place with public transit, and if so, do you use it? YES! I love the T.

4) What's the most unusual vehicle in which you've ever traveled? A dune buggy, when I was about 12, with a boy who I was madly in love with, but he was 18 or 19, and I'm quite sure no one had any clue I was Sooo In Love with him. We weren't even on sand dunes, it was a street legal buggy, and he gave me a ride home from my dad's shop (worked for my dad).

5) What's the next trip you're planning to take? Back to Texas, in another plane. And after that, maybe a train to NYC.

I'm taking a journey back through all my old notebooks this week. (like that travel segue? lol) It seems that I haven't been as organized as I thought. Five semesters times four classes each...that's a lot of unorganized paperwork. The good thing about sorting back through binders and looking at all the course notes and readings is that it is refreshing my memory of all the work I've done thus far. This term I'm working on my comprehensive exam bibliographies. I'll take three exams next fall, and each one will have a bibliography of about 25-30 books, most of which I've already read in my coursework (or read at least part of a book). So this notebooks exercise is helping me to think about which books I will want to talk about with my advisors in putting together those bibliographies.

Can you tell I'm an optimist? Always looking for that silver lining! :-)

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