Thursday, January 14, 2010

sheesh it's dusty in here

My poor neglected blog. You're all dusty and pitiful. Like no one's been here in months!

~dusting, vacuuming, general tidying up~

There. Better? I'll be back soon with more regular blogging. It was a New Year's resolution. :-)

Reading material on the T this morning:
Wall Street Journal
Sports Illustrated
Michener's Mexico
two Kindles

I like observing what people read on their commute. Lots of papers and magazines today, not so many novels.

Thoughts about the earthquake in Haiti are over on Facebook. It's so overwhelming, and I'm doing some heavy thinking about short term missionaries (who are now trying to leave rather than stay and help).

1 comment:

Carol said...

cough cough, sorry, just suffocating because of all that dust flying about! hahahahahaha

Nice to see a blog post, I'll hold you to that resolution!!