Saturday, May 17, 2008


There was a junior high dance Friday night. Full of the possibility of drama. At first my junior high daughter wanted to go, but then she changed her mind. After dropping big sister off at a friend's house for pizza and video games, I took Miss Junior High out for her favorite - McDonald's.

Now, I resist McDonald's because as yummy as it tastes, there will be gastric distress later. I'd like to boycott it, but my boycotts are best saved for another post. Miss Junior High LOVES McD's, so I took her for theraputic burger and fries.

Turns out, the pressures of junior high, friends and dating were overwhelming her. She said she wished they could just all go back to the way it was. Trouble is, you can't go back. We talked about friendships and dating, what people expect of you, that sort of thing. It drives her NUTS that some people will only talk to her to ask about who she's dating, as though that's all there is to her. And since dating and relationships are a major part of junior high life, even her best friendships are affected.

After Burger Therapy and talking with mom, she got all jazzed up and went to the dance. There was a LOT of drama, as expected, but it didn't directly involve her and she had fun. Guess it's all working itself out.

For my own fun, I took my right hamstring out for another walk/run this afternoon. It's crazy how the first run segment is so hard. My brain starts off okay, and the breathing starts okay, but the body argues back. Wouldn't it just be easier to hang out on the sofa and watch a movie?

There were two ten minute run segments. During the walk segment in between the runs, I noticed a little pain on my right toes - I figured it was the sock rubbing wrong on my toes, and just kept running.


When I took off my shoes to stretch out at home, there was blood all over the right sock. Sheesh. My junior medic cleaned it up, because I HAD to stretch out that right hamstring (it was trying to twinge). Seems one of my nails cut into the toe next to it. Boy am I glad this didn't happen on Sunday.

At least now I really have a good reason for getting that pedicure this week. :-)

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