Tuesday, June 24, 2008

computer go "hiccup"

Well, my beloved laptop has a hiccup. Or maybe a burp. But it's definitely not fried just yet. Good techie friend is fixing laptop and we'll have her back in business in a few days. In the meantime, James' home computer will do.

We had big cracking thunderstorms today - brief but heavy, with lots of lightning that you could see from miles away. Just lovely!

Mary Grace is playing her piano. The electric keyboard we have in Boston isn't quite the same as a real piano. There are a few drawbacks to living in two places - not having the piano for practice is a drawback, but when she loves playing as much as Mary Grace, it makes us all sad.

Today she and I talked about having a place that is always home to you. For Celia, this house in Texas and this area will always be home. For Mary Grace and I, we can be at home in many places. She prefers Texas, but can be home anywhere. I must be a wanderer at heart - I can imagine myself at home in several places across the world. If only I had the money to do just that and fly around between them!

Where are you at home? Just one place or many? Is your heart tied to one piece of land? Or are you a wanderer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so lucky to have called home many many places. Home is where I have family and since I'm lucky enough to chose many of my family I am always home.
Miss you and Love you family!!